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Basecamp 16X and 20X Padded Window Cover Installation Instructions

You can view a video of the cover installation on YouTube here


PLEASE NOTE: Allow yourself some time to practice putting the cover on. Read the tips below before you put it on the first time. The cover has a tight fit to help it stay securely in place. It will be difficult to put on the first time or two, but rest assured, it will be easy once you’ve done it a couple of times.

You will need a three-step step stool or small ladder that allows you to see over the top of the windows. Installation will be easier with two people, but can also be accomplished alone.


Where the windows meet, the corners of the windows are extremely sharp. The cover is reinforced at this point, but it is recommended to go over the very corners of the windows with fine grit (400) sand paper to reduce the extreme sharpness of the corner. We have provided a small piece of sand paper for this purpose. You only need to sand the very corners of the windows (top and bottom) where the metal framing meets.

Basecamp X Installation


1. Start with the top hinges. On one side, use your stool to position the cover so that you are able to pass the rope behind the hinge and through the lower grommet on the cover. Then squeeze the cord lock and pass the rope through the lock. The cover should now be held in place on that hinge. The rope should not be tight – just so the cover can’t fall to the ground.

2. Firmly tug and pull the cover around to the opposite side, and fasten the rope behind the other top hinge. It will take some effort to pull the cover into place to get the rope fastened on the opposite side. Again, it does not need to be tight – just so it is loosely held in place on the window. Leave the bottom hinge ropes unfastened for now.


Starting at the top outer corners (where the hinges are), pull the elastic pocket around the top corners of the windows. Then work in the middle top area to make sure the elastic pocket rests on top of the windows and is not tucked behind itself. Once the corners are in place, tighten the rope behind the top hinges to help keep things in place.

Next move to the bottom middle window and work out from the middle to the corners, pulling the elastic pocket around the bottom of the windows. When you get to the corners, loosely fasten the rope behind the bottom hinges, just as you did for the top hinges.

While working on the lower part of the windows, the elastic on the top may partially pop off....just go back and put it in place. You will need to go back and forth a bit between top and bottom of the window until the elastic pocket rests outside the window all the way around.

The bottom corners will be the hardest part. Once bottom corners are in place, secure the rope behind the bottom hinges as you did for the top hinges.

Finally, make sure the elastic that runs vertically between the windows is resting as much as possible in between the windows. You may need to tug the cover left or right a bit.

Basecamp X Window Cover Instructions


Tighten the cord behind the hinges to a tight fit, and secure the cord end by twisting it around itself and back through the lower grommet.

Basecamp X Window Cover Tighten Instructions

Finally – tug on the cover to make sure it is firmly in place.

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